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Hey Brilliant Leaders!
Let me tell you, things got real at ReWrite HQ recently. As part of our mid-year reset, we paused and asked ourselves the crucial question: "Who are we, again?"
This deep dive into our identity wasn't just a team-building exercise. We wanted to unearth the very soul of ReWrite—beyond logos and clever taglines—to rediscover what makes us, us.
It was such a profound and clarifying experience that I wanted to share it with you all. Because let's face it, in the whirlwind of deadlines, meetings, and quarterly reports, it's easy to lose sight of who we are and why we're doing what we do.
So buckle up, we're about to explore organizational identity - and give you some practical tips to kickstart your own exploration.
Whether you're a startup finding your feet, or an established company looking to reconnect with your roots, this journey of self-discovery could be the game-changer you've been looking for.
Ready to uncover your company's superpower? Let's dig in!
Your organizational identity is the core of who you are as a business. It’s the values, beliefs, and behaviors that define you. It’s the reason your team gets up in the morning and why your customers choose you over the competition. It’s deep, it’s meaningful, and it’s uniquely yours.
Now you...⬇️
The 5-Minute Identity Brainstorm
Set a timer for 5 minutes. Write down every word or phrase that comes to mind when you think about your company's essence. Don't censor yourself - just let the ideas flow. When time's up, circle the three words or phrases that resonate most. These could be the seeds of your core identity.
Without a clear organizational identity, your business is like a plastic bag in the wind - drifting aimlessly, without direction and purpose. But when you nail down who you are, and what you stand for, it's like strapping a rocket to your back.
Suddenly you're not just another business, but a force to be reckoned with. Your team's showing up fired up for the mission, your message stands out in a crowded marketplace, and your impact is next-level.
Now you...⬇️
The Plastic Bag vs. Rocket Test
Write down at least 10 recent business decisions. For each one, ask yourself:
Was this decision like a plastic bag in the wind (reactive, aimless)?
Or was it like strapping on a rocket (purposeful, aligned with our identity)?
Tally your answers. More rockets? You're on the right track!
More plastic bags? Time to refocus on your identity.
Start by identifying your core values. What are the non-negotiables? What principles guide your actions?
Next, articulate your mission and vision. Yes, there's a difference.
Simply put, your mission is your current assignment - it's the reason you're showing up and doing what you do everyday.
Your vision is your big, audacious dream - it's where you see yourself or your business crushing it in the future.
Remember, these should be bold, inspiring, and most of all, authentic. They should capture the essence of who you are and what you're reaching for.
Your mission and vision should make your heart race a little and get you pumped to jump out of bed in the morning. If they don't light a fire under you, it's back to the drawing board my friend.
Now you...⬇️
Mission and Vision Statement Templates
Use these prompts to draft your mission and vision statements:
Our mission is to ______ (what your company does) by ______ (how you do it) for ______ (who you do it for).
Our vision is to ______ (what you aim to achieve) in ______ (your time frame) by ______ (how you'll get there).
The Heart Check
Draft your mission and vision statements. Now, read them aloud and place your hand over your heart. Do you feel a slight quickening of your pulse? A surge of excitement? If not, keep refining until you do. Your statements should energize you!
Once you’ve figured out your identity, it's time to bring your business to life!
Think of your company as the main character in an epic story. Let's use Raven Inc. for instance - she's a truth-telling, curiosity-driven diva with a knack for innovation.
Now every decision you make, every action you take, should be something Raven would do.
Would Raven ghost a client? Nope. She'd face tough conversations head-on with her trademark honesty.
Would she shrug off a team member's sudden poor performance when they insist "everything's fine"? Not likely. Raven's curiosity would kick in, and she'd dig deeper to uncover what's really going on.
And when faced with a challenge? Raven's innovative spirit would shine, finding creative solutions others might miss.
Your job is to make sure every inch of your business - from how you hire, to how you handle team issues - screams, "That's so Raven!" (Yes, I had to).
Your identity should be the invisible force guiding every decision, big or small.
When someone in your crew channels your main character and delivers an outstanding performance - celebrate it!
And if someone misses the mark? Cue the refresher on how to stay in character.
Now you...⬇️
What Would [Your Company] Do?
Create three challenging business scenarios (e.g., a dissatisfied customer, a team conflict, a market shift). For each one, ask "What would [Your Company] do?" Write down your answers, focusing on how your core identity would guide your actions. And have fun! (This is serious business). You might even try writing a little script for each scenario and acting it out. This helps you practice applying your identity to real-world situations.
When you lock in your organizational identity, magic happens - creating a ripple effect that transforms your entire business.
Your team stops going through the motions. They're part of something meaningful, and it shows in their energy and commitment.
Customers don't just buy your product or service; they connect with your values. They choose you because you get them.
In the marketplace, you stand out. You're not just another option, you're uniquely you. This builds a reputation that spreads naturally.
This isn't just about improving business metrics. It's about creating something lasting and meaningful. Your organizational identity can shape a company that makes a real difference.
And the best part? Your identity is something you have full control over. In a business-world full of uncertainties, this is your chance to create and shape something powerful.
So take this opportunity. Embrace your identity fully. Live it in everything you do. When you do this, you'll see your business not just grow, but truly thrive.